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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

The Circle Maker

We just returned from a wonderful week away to the mountains. It was one of those vacations without internet or a schedule, we just played games, read, studied, and watched TV. Before leaving, I sent a note to some close friends warning them about a new book that is out, The Circle Maker. I'd stumbled upon an EZC blog post regarding it and was glad to have done so.

While on vacation, I didn't think about things back home. I did spend a lot of time in the Word and reading. I'm still working through Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by D. Martyn-Lloyd Jones, but also began reading John MacArthur's The Truth War and read the first two books in Bodie and Brock Theone's Zion Covenant Series. I loved the Zion Chronicles...it was a wonderful time to refresh and recommit to the Lord.

So we get home and what does my husband find upon reading the current newsletter for our former church? The pastor is recommending the very book I warned people about last week. The newsletter came out while we were gone.

I'm thankful and amazed with how God works. He led me to the review and then put it on my heart who to send the warning to.  Had I seen the newsletter from our former church first, I wouldn't have sent the warning to the people I sent it to. May God pierce the hearts of those leading churches in to this new wave of pseudo-Christianity.

To God be the Glory

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