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Attitudes in Young Children

My children aren't very small anymore, but recently I was reminded of the importance of disciplining for poor attitudes when they are young, more than behavior. The manner in which this is best dealt with is something swift, firm, and effective. I'm not a supporter of time out's or sending kids to their bedroom.

Time out's are really not any sort of punishment and they allow poor attitudes to continue, in short, they don't deal with the heart and they take too long.

Sending kids to their room isn't a punishment either and it promotes brooding. Giving special alone time in a bedroom usually results in feeling sorry for oneself or justifying bad actions. It doesn't take long to cement poor habits with thinking.

The best way to discipline is nip disobedience or defiance in the bud. For those who believe in spanking, it should produce swift, stinging pain quickly. You should not be angry when administering this punishment and ideally, it occurs after talking briefly to the child, explaining that their action was unacceptable/sin and they require discipline. If this is done well during the younger years, by the time a child is 6 years old, they should not be throwing fits when told to do something they don't want to. If we focus on the heart and the natural, rebellious nature of mankind, we'll be much more productive with training our kids.

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp is a good read on child rearing if you want more thorough information.

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