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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...


To say I'm presently enamored with Bonhoeffer, by Eric Metaxas, is a mild overstatement. Mild. My girlfriend sent me her copy to borrow. She is currently working through Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, which I continue to go through as well; there is such satisfaction in reading the same books as close friends and then discussing them.

What is amazing me are how ideas I've been having and grappling with are being said plain in Bonhoeffer. In observing American dormitory life, " Community is therefore founded less on truth than on the spirit of 'fairness'." (this is because they, meaning Americans and those involved with the church and theology, do not see 'the radical claim of truth on the shaping of their lives~Bonhoeffer)

Oh how this sums up the dissatisfaction of community for the sake of community. To have communion with others who study the Word and ponder it's truth...who seek to live set apart from the wicked modern culture rather than compromise...to have discussions about the intricate theology that historic Christianity was built upon! There indwells deep fellowship.

Of course, I am not a theologian and do not comprehend nearly as well all that I hope to by the end of my days. But striving toward understanding what it means to be a disciple, striving to understand God...communing with others doing the same, is beyond words.

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