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Homeschool Q&A #5 Advice to Someone Just Starting Out

 Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out as a homeschooling parent?

A: Some of this one is worked in throughout the other answers, but truly the most important thing to do is be on the same page as your husband. If he doesn't support homeschooling and you, I'm hard pressed to recommend it. It requires two parents pulling in the same direction even though you as Mom will be the head teacher at this stage. It is a lifestyle, and you will need his encouragement. Prayer for wisdom and insight into the best fit for your family and children is the next thing once you and your husband are ready to move forward. God knows your children and their needs, and He has entrusted them to you and your husband. You are equipped to do what is best for them. Ask Him often and realize this is a beautiful journey that isn't based on perfection, but love, sacrifice, and hard work. It is rewarding and a very nice way to live, but it isn't for the lazy or undisciplined. Be careful about who you become friends with and who you let your kids be around a lot. Plenty of people homeschool that aren't serious about it and love to influence others...they will fall off the rails later. Better to have no friends than the wrong friends. God will provide!

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