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Homeschool Q&A #4 Managing Time

Q: How do you manage your time and balance homeschooling with other responsibilities?

A: Homeschooling children in K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd only takes a short time. Lessons are short and subjects need to only be a few. Even 4th/5th graders are done by noon at the latest if you start early enough. We had our kids do a quiet time in the afternoon for about 2 hrs to read/nap/draw/play quietly. They learned to focus their attention (no electronics), love to read, appreciated the alone time etc. It was needed for me to take care of things without them around. They all had chores and we worked together as part of their training (it was on the spreadsheet), so the chores were done. There wasn't homework--we did all the math at one time, then we did all the English...early schooling is delightful and quick. 2 hrs you are finished if in 1st/2nd gr. Paying attention and obeying mom is all part of the discipline (Shepherding A Child's Heart by Ted Tripp; The Heart of Anger by Lou Prioli--excellent parenting helps). Our standard was to obey mom/dad cheerfully the first time. We held them to that, and our home was generally peaceful. I modeled what I wanted them to become, and our view is that what we do, they will push beyond, so that sometimes meant me refraining from what I could handle/want in order to not create appetites in my kids that would possibly cause them to stumble. 

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