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Jonah Chapter 2

Jonah 2 A very good message

God Sees Our Needs, and Meets Them

Recently one of my children was playing with another child that has been a part of our lives for many years. The situation quickly changed, and my child was suddenly outcast for not joining the crowd in gossiping. Hurtful things were said, and the silence which came from some was also painful. Alone, my child left the group and went back to where the others were.

Friendship is hard. It is particularly tough when you've left the church you attended for many years because it had left its first love. This makes staying in touch with those who still go there awkward and difficult. Add to that leaving the homeschool group you were in for years, and the concept of walking the narrow path is before you often.

Amid this difficult night, a friend of our family bestowed some amazing gifts on us. One item is a direct blessing to the child I was speaking of earlier. It isn't something that really anyone would ever give us, but this man did and it is huge. Huge because of thoughtfulness, cost, the helpful nature of it, and most importantly because it was an immediate, tangible way for my child to see that while life does what it does, God does what HE does. He sees our needs, He meets our needs, and He lets us know He cares. I'm so proud of my child for standing for what is right in the face of multiple adversaries, yet nothing compares to my gratitude to God for using this friend of ours to bless us during a sad night.

1 comment:

  1. Gossip does more harm than physical assaults. St. James had quite a lot to say about it, didn't he?
