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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Are you Dabbling with Mysticism?

It is a sad reality that many who think they are sound in Christ employ mysticism as an ancient Christian practice. Mysticism is not a part of biblical soundness and wise doctrine, it is something that has been around for a long time and is rearing it's head today, repackaged within the Christian community. It aids in selling a counterfeit Christianity that focuses on experiencing God rather than studying and obeying His word. "Hearing" His voice reveals more intimacy with Him than doctrine, for instance.

Today there are many counseling centers that endorse contemplative prayer, which can be an indicator that the center leans in the direction of mysticism. We need to take the time to research what people believe...where is the line drawn? Is Yoga OK? How about labyrinth walking? Spiritual retreats where silence is focused on? In my view, these practices should ring bells of warning to a believer. If feeling better and being happy is the goal of counseling or Christianity, we are missing what God designed us for. The Bible does not tell us to do breath prayers or to meditate on one word while breathing deeply, even if that word is 'Christ'; it isn't how we are taught to pray. In sum, positive psychology or secular wisdom should not be a part of Christian counseling.

Soft-selling these issues as a matter of opinion is very dangerous, yet we all tend to struggle in this culture with wanting to have our own beliefs and act like there is not absolute truth. All beliefs and views are not equal, in other words, all messages are not the truth. The message of the Gospel and who God is gets easily blurred, and if people do not understand the Truth, they can miss being truly 'set free'. As Christians, we should love God enough to defend Him.

May the Holy Spirit work in the hearts and minds of those reading, revealing the warning and Gospel according to God Almighty.




How is contemplative spirituality entering the church?


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