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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Hair and Nails

This is not a profound post, but it is something that has mattered to me. Until this past August, I bit my nails mercilessly. I'd tried all the things that people try to no major avail. Sure for a few weeks here or there I'd succeed in not biting, but nothing lasted and soon enough that terrible cycle of failure and frustration would return. Eventually my kids realized this albatross and prayed for me. That helped, too, for a while. But now i have enjoyed success with becoming a daily coffee drinker. Yes, just one cup a day of actual brewed (not Keurig) coffee and apparently, I'm getting those missing minerals a plenty. And I love my nails!!! It is a free hobby to just sit and gaze at them, not gnarled and misshapen. Thank you, God!

Moving on to another surface issue--hair thickness. I've always had thin hair. I credited it to my lack of good nutrition growing up since my kids have great, thick hair and they eat well :). For a month I've been using the Nioxin hair system and I'm telling you, this customer is one of the 9/10 who has perceived a thickening effect! I can even see some new hairs coming in right at my forehead (maybe I'll get a widow's peak!) so know this isn't just my imagination. You do have to do all 3 steps for success I think, but it is worth it if your hair is thin or thinning. They even have stage 2 for 'noticeably thinning' hair and products for chemically treated hair! I think that can only help my nails, too :).

Enjoy this last week before Christmas break!

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