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Resources in Planning for School

When looking at schooling goals, I find it helpful to have a list of resources to help me configure our goals and plans. As kids are leaving elementary school, it is good to look ahead to all you want them to learn by 12th grade and work with those goals in mind. Even during the elementary years, what is the big picture and what skills do you want your student to have (ie solid math facts memorized, writing proficiency at a certain level, reading skill level...)

I'm looking at middle and  high school primarily, so here is where I'll possibly look to get ideas for subjects we want, curricula and work load that is appropriate. You can see schedules and materials.

Adam Andrews teaches literature classes that can have a writing element

Veritas Press Scholars Academy

Providence Classical Christian School

Potters School

Governor's School

Local co-ops and umbrella schools provide many options. In my area there are 3 that I look at. When considering opportunities for  making friends and social encounters, you can also factor in sports, church, dance and volunteer work you may do as a family. The social time doesn't have to be academic, but it is something to consider as the kids age since there are skills learned which can help with college. It all depends on when you want them learning the various skills needed for life. We're equipping future adults.

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