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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Who Are You Trying to Please?

This time of year it can become difficult to live your faith amidst friends or family, or maybe both. Some "Christians" want to have Christ in Christmas, but only a little...I mean, don't go TOO far with all that religious stuff. It's a terrific time of year to come together with people of all religions and celebrate...(celebrate what I don't know). Santa? Gift giving and receiving? Friendship?

What about other beliefs that have a lot to do with Christmas, but not in an obvious way, like with Creation? "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth..." Gen 1:1...the beginning was not when God first thought of Christ, Jesus always was, and Creation was the start of God's plan of redemption. Focusing on Creation is a great way to celebrate Christmas (but don't expect a lot of other people to back you on that).

It can be uncomfortable to sense our loved ones are not on the same page as we are, but you know, if we aren't sinning and are striving to glorify our Father who is in Heaven, who really cares what others think? God always provides someone to encourage and support us.

Our Christmas card this year has Isaiah 53:5 on it...not a typical Christmas verse, but we wanted to really draw attention to the fact that Jesus' birth is not worth celebrating or acknowledging if not for His death. He is God incarnate, and the only reason He was born, was to die. If we want to keep Him in the manger and have a bunch of feel-good pseudo Christ-centered traditions, chances are we're comfortable with the disconnect between His birth and death (can't we just focus on the good for once?!--insert sarcasm), but is that what we, His followers, are called to?

Tonight be reminded, friends, that sometimes it is only God or your spouse that is in agreement with you. This time of year be burdened for the lost and dying, those going to Hell. Christmas is the beginning of what God planned for mankind long ago so we could be reconciled to God the Father.

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