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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Entering the Conversation

I find it interesting that in classical education we talk about the great conversation, and the emergent church has taken that term 'conversation' to describe what it does as well. You can also say 'movement' about the emergent church....

Please don't shrug off what the emergent church teaches. It is an ideology, a method of ministry, that slyly chips away at a solid faith. So much of it 'sounds good', but it is missing the mark and creating hoards of biblically illiterate believers or false converts. When a church name drops Rob Bell, beware. It isn't OK. I don't want to encourage mistrust, but at the same time, church leaders have priorities and agendas, and as a member, you need to know what those are.

Many in today's churches are becoming like the 'useful idiots' of Lenin's day. Hard workers for the 'cause', yet they don't really understand the breadth and depth of the mission. They think they are doing what is good and right, but if they knew where their actions were leading or what their actions were really saying...they'd stop and change course. But we blindly follow what our church is doing. This is ironic because we know the government can't keep up with all of its' comings and goings, yet we'll trust a very large church to be making right decisions about ministries and causes. We really need to be as shrewd as serpents all the time. This world is wicked, full of deception, and if we think we can enjoy the ride and not take the time to ensure where we're headed is pleasing to the Lord, the chance of regret is great.

Part 1


Part 2


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