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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

When Happily Ever After Shatters: Seeing God in the Midst of Divorce & Single Parenting

My friend's book is out today on Amazon!!!! Please check it out and buy a copy to support her. Sue Birdseye is a beautiful woman, inside and out, and this is her first step in trying to help others whose lives have gone through the devastation of adultery and ultimately, abandonment. Her goal is to glorify God in all she does and I think you will be very blessed by this book. I think we all know someone who will be touched by it, and we who haven't walked that road can learn how to be compassionate toward those who have (or are) from the insight she gives.


Please consider ordering it today!


  1. I heard Sue Birdseye story on Focus On The Family, her story touched my heart and I thought I what better way to support her and encourage her, then purchasing her book! So glad I was able to purchase it for my Kindle and I am in the middle of reading it. I am praying for Sue and her children God is with them and I thank Sue for sharing her story and God's amazing love, God is faithful, he will never leave us nor forsake us. God Bless.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you will be blessed and encouraged by her book. Your prayers are truly appreciated.

  3. Hello Yvette,
    I wanted to see what you thought of the book once you finished it. I was blessed by it for certain.
    Take care,
