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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Rev 13 and People's Response to COVID-19

I can't think of the way the world responded to COVID-19 and not think of Rev 13 when the anti-Christ and false prophet are deceiving the world. My mind immediately goes to Catholics I know well and how utterly panic stricken they were. How they judged those who didn't jump in the Kool-Aid pool, losing the ability to reason and think clearly. It is ironic the people I'm thinking of are Roman Catholic since that false belief system is devastatingly wrought with members who will follow the anti-Christ because they do not know God. Just as people, even Christians, were led down wrong paths of thinking with the coronavirus, the false prophet will lead the native, lost--all who are unsaved...  into a world of lies. Those who do not belong to God, through Christ, are slaves to sin, they are the unsaved. They cannot help but walk in the path of destruction. This path is the one everyone walks in if it has not been interrupted by the truth of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

All people are born with a sin nature. Sin is anything we think, say, or do that offends God, who is the creator of the world and all living things. Our sin is a serious problem. It must be remedied if we're to enter Heaven, a holy place, when we die-- whether our death is timely or untimely. Blood sacrifice is the only thing that can make our sin ok. It is the only thing that removes our sin. God set this system of forgiveness up. Jesus was a perfect man who was the payment, once and for all, for the sins of the lost who would be redeemed. Christ's death was not in vain. It accomplishes all God intends for it to accomplish. God calls and draws people to Himself and when a sinner responds in humble repentance, asking for God's forgiveness for their sin, the payment Jesus offered is added to that sinner's account. This is being born again, born spiritually into the family of God. God holds us for all eternity from that point on. God sees those who trust Christ to be their payment,  or ransom, very differently from those who have not trusted Jesus. God sees repentant sinners as sons and daughters! No longer a slave or alien, but a member of the family!

If we think we do not sin, we simply do not understand what sin is. It is lying, purposefully misleading, or is stealing, murder,  adultery, fornication, abusing substances that harm our bodies, gossip, slander.... our thoughts are sinful and so are our actions. We must be honest with ourselves and look at our lives as compared to the perfect standard God set up. There is one God, the Lord of all Heaven and earth. 

Do not be like those in Rev 13 who are so deluded they fail to see the wretched evil we've been warned about for over 2000 years. Be free in Christ---forgiven and free to not sin. 

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