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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Like-minded Closeness

I'm not sure if it is the overt wickedness of the culture, the shameless lying the left will engage in while everyone looks on, base movements such as BLM that are tearing at the fabric of what comprises a civilized society, or my ever-increasing age, but I find myself less concerned about being close to people who are only pretending to be Christians, or who give lip-service to being Christians, regardless of who they are. The gap between worldviews is just massive if we're looking at someone born again and someone not born again. The tricky thing is, we can't live in a bubble of only believers. We must get out and share the gospel, and be involved with the lost so that we get opportunities to explain who God is and how to be reconciled to Him. 

I'm thankful that it is God who makes the dead come to life in being reborn; that is is He who draws and calls people to Himself. I'm thankful I'm to be praying and keeping my eyes on Him, while entrusting Him with the business of saving the lost. That requires me to pray for opportunities to be among those yet saved and to have the right words at the right time. 

As we are reflecting on the goodness of God in sending Christ this Christmas season, how about learn some fun facts about the hymn Joy to the World? It turns out that it wasn't originally written as a song, and it wasn't originally intended to be a Christmas carol. :) 

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