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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Sermons to Exhort and Encourage

Pastor Darrin and John MacArthur do a tremendous amount of studying for the messages they prepare. Thankfully, these can be accessed by those of us who aren't in their churches. With today's technology, listening to sermons has never been easier. This is a sober truth that brings much comfort as we witness, time and again, to lost loved ones. At some point there is rest for the weary soul of the saved, knowing that it is God who draws and calls, and ultimately, people will do what they want to do. What they WANT to do...It isn't dependent on us doing everything right, tirelessly praying and reaching out, striving like mad to be a great example every time we interact...

These are dreadfully wicked days we're living in. The line of demarcation between righteousness and wickedness is becoming clearer and clearer, in ways that cannot be missed-even by those who are simply moral and yet unsaved. It is a good time to double down on being in the Word, listening to truth and being transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we do not lose heart while we continue to serve the Lord in whatever capacity He's given us.

Pastor Darrin recently finished up a little series entitled Family Matters, preached May 15th, 22nd and 29th. Worthwhile listening!

First Baptist of Wheeling is where all the sermons can be found.

John MacArthur cranks out messages like no one else. I've enjoyed 2 messages from Ephesians recently (June 12th The Perversion of Love and June 19th From Darkness to Light). 

Interestingly, Pastor Darrin's 2nd Family Matters message (May 22nd) is from Eph 5:22-24 and John MacArthur's From Darkness to Light is from Eph 5:8-14.

I hope you are encouraged if you tune in ♥

A special retirement gift given by 3 sweet kids to their faithful math teacher of many years...

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