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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Satan Comes to Steal, Kill, Destroy and...

Separate. Satan wants to separate the lost from the saved.

The way the liberal media and the left have used the COVID virus to manipulate society reveals who their god is. Those not walking circumspectly have been sucked into this mindset that safety equals separation. Spiritually this is a disaster. 

Consider this, if there were something that divided Christians and the lost, would the witnessing opportunities for believers be diminished? If those outside of Christ died during the past year, did they have a better or worse chance of hearing the gospel? Hell is forever, and Satan's mission is to take as many with him as possible.

God designed the family to be the representation of His relationship with mankind. There are specific roles and ways the relationships are to work within that framework so that God is glorified. Christian families can be a powerful tool in showing others the strength and truth of God. Staying apart erodes those relationships. A lot changes and happens in a year.

The Bible shows us that fellowship among believers is crucial. We all know that walking with another like-minded person strengthens our own resolve, but surrounding ourselves with the opposition wears us down. This is very true with young people, but also old. Who is influencing us? We need to be among the people of God regularly. We need to limit the ungodly influences that want to shape our thinking.

Consider this post about Florida, by someone named Al, who has a solid grasp of reality. Those criticizing Florida are being influenced by the enemy. Freedom is critical. The alternative is oppression.

Our freedom of choice was violated for political reasons. In Florida, their Governor opened the State last March! He left it to his citizens to use common sense, no mandates. Restaurants were open, using safe protocols decided by the owners. The patrons also used their own common sense, deciding for themselves whether to go out in public or to stay in place. Schools were also open all year. Their economy is booming, restaurants are doing well and their state actually has a surplus budget! This is how Republican States have been run, with great success. Now, look at Virginia, New York, California to name a few...Democratic run states, economies in terrible shape, restaurants closing (many forever), unemployment up, taxes up, schools closed and depression, suicide, substance abuse at all time highs. I could further expound, however I hope this makes a point.

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