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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Having Sex Outside of Marriage is OK?

I remember having crunchy friends in college who were dating, living together and very...... natural....

dreadlocks, long leg and armpit hair, and the guy was clearly not breaking a sweat with his grooming either. These were lovely, gentle souls. We got along well. You couldn't help but like them despite all that hair. 

At some point these two redheads encountered the gospel of Jesus Christ and it radically changed them. Not only were they cleaner, they realized that to be a follower of Christ meant to actually do what He says. Not obedience to become righteous, but obedience because they had died to their old sinful ways and had been born-again. The professor who helped them in their new walk with God provided a place for one of them live until they could be married. It was amazing. 

It is not unloving to be clear about God's standards. We can't go to Heaven, and thus, NOT go to Hell, because we think we should. What we do reflects what we believe--it shows who our God actually is. Is it the God of the Bible, or our own amalgamation of beliefs? 

Our politics show the same thing. What we do reveals who we or what we are following. Be careful to walk circumspectly, Christian, and don't get too close to people who are not on the Lord's side. 

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