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Work...A Recipe for Success

If you ever used Instruction for Righteousness' charts, you probably agree with this post. The "Go to the Ant" chart was a favorite when I was raising young children. The chore chart was also a hit; but you know what the best child training method in my arsenal is? It is a proper attitude toward WORK.

The Bible extols the virtues of hard work, diligent work, consistent work...and we see it in nature. Ants work continually and they have their specialized jobs for the benefit of the colony. Bees are the same. It is the same with people. We have jobs to do, and rather than expend energy explaining why we should have less work or different work, we'd do well to DIG IN and do the work God has set before us.

If you are a house wife, knock your husband's socks off with keeping an organized and efficient home, complete with nutritious and delicious meals.

If you are a stay-at-home mom, do likewise and train the children to respect Dad and work to help you with your duties of keeping the home and maintaining order. Demonstrate the importance of WORK by WORKING yourself. Nothing speaks louder to our kids than that, and you'll set them up for a happy future.

The most miserable people, besides Christians living outside God's will, are those whose god is fun. Those who shirk their responsibilities or fail to cultivate the competence to complete their house hold tasks independently and effectively.

Work embodies Christian principles--our hands aren't slack, falling to evil. It requires thankfulness for what God has given us, tangible and intangible gifts. Work causes us to put our focus outside of ourselves and satisfying our lusts. It keeps us from being driven and tossed by the wind. A busy mom who is devoted to her husband being able to come in from work and relax has no time for foolishness, slovenliness, gossip or the like. Keeping a proper home and training children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord takes work and lots of it.

Children are most secure when they see Dad and Mom united and loving each other. Mom, be pretty and ready to greet your husband, and have the children in order with the house straight and a meal ready or nearly so. Greet your husband first to show it is your union that is 1st--which is wholly Biblical. Dad can have time with the kids then, but make sure you two have a few uninterrupted minutes to talk and bond in front of the kids while they are taught to respect that time. You'll be strengthening your marriage and giving your kids what they most need. This takes WORK and discipline, Ladies. But you can do it.

You may be able to snow your husband that you are 'too busy' to keep the house, do the laundry, do the cooking, teach the children and look good, but remember, none of us live isolated on an island. He knows what his mother accomplished and he sees what other women accomplish. You are only hurting yourself and cheating yourself and your family out of a much better home life by shirking your responsibilities. A man who is supported by a loving wife is more successful at work and can balance his projects at home better than a man who has to do a lot of his wife's work.

Proverbs 6: 6-11
Go to the ant, O sluggard,
            Observe her ways and be wise,
      7Which, having no chief,
            Officer or ruler,
      8Prepares her food in the summer
            And gathers her provision in the harvest.
      9How long will you lie down, O sluggard?
            When will you arise from your sleep?
      10“A little sleep, a little slumber,
            A little folding of the hands to rest”—
      11Your poverty will come in like a vagabond
            And your need like an armed man.

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