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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

The Importance of Being Earnest

I don't know that I ever saw the movie with the same title as this blog post, but the statement holds true nonetheless. Dis-ingenuousness is so deplorable. You know how some people just feel slimy? You can tell when they are patronizing or smooth talking, and it is maddening when others turn a blind eye or truly just do not see it.

It is so important to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and ask God for wisdom and discernment--particularly with our affiliations. I've found that when I've done this, in due time He often shows me concrete reasons why He lead as He did.

Investigate and go in to situations not as a naive person, but as a shrewd person realizing all that glitters is not gold. Ask questions--do not assume because you believe something and think one way about a paper you sign that everyone else does. If someone is teaching your child, ask them what church they belong to if you care whether or not they belong to a church and regularly attend. Do not make assumptions about who you are friends with or who you entrust your children to. Too many times we mothers worry about offending people, but we need to worry about our kids' sensibilities BEING offended. We need to be loving and kind, but exercise discernment and not assume that someone else is looking out for our best interests or our children's, because everyone is busy and people have different opinions of what is important.


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