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Richmond, VA Rally HSLDA

Join Mike Farris in
Richmond to Rally for Liberty

Homeschooling in Virginia

Help us reclaim government.

Mike Farris is the founder and chairman of HSLDA and a homeschooling father of 10.

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

This week offers an excellent opportunity to stand for homeschool freedom and hear HSLDA Founder and Chairman Mike Farris explain his latest project for reclaiming government.

On Thursday, January 23, Mike Farris will join Virginia Christian Alliance (VCA) as it holds its Lobby Day in Richmond. One of the items on VCA’s priority list is opposing Delegate Thomas Rust’s resolution, HJ92, to question your freedom to homeschool your children under the religious exemption statute. This event will offer an important opportunity for you to visit the offices of your legislators and those who will soon be voting on the bill to voice your opposition to this measure.

Mike Farris will be the keynote speaker for the event. He will explain the details of the Convention of States Project, which is seeking to pass resolutions in 34 states that will require Congress to call an Article V Convention of the States to propose constitutional amendments that limit the power, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government. You can learn more about this effort online.

The event will convene in House Room 1 of the Capitol Building at 9:30 a.m. If you would like to attend, please contact Rita Dunaway at ritadunaway@selfgovern.com.


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