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Boys and Respect

As a mom of a son and daughters, I marvel at how different the genders are!

At a young age, ~6 yrs but it gets worse at 8, boys begin to challenge mom, and a man's firm hand is needed, figuratively in my case, but I'm sure many boys need a literal firm hand. I'll be honest, it is frustrating when mom's justify their son's constant questioning as if it is a necessary part of their upcoming rather than what is very often is, a lack of respect and understanding of their position in relation to their mom.  It's hard to even have a conversation with a mom who allows her boy/s to disrespect her; they'll just push their way in, sit and listen, not leave when mom tells them too....How many mom's of boys take on each day exasperated because of the verbal battles they are sure to encounter that day? It doesn't need to be this way, and it shouldn't be!

Sons need to be encouraged in leadership and wisdom, and a key way for this to occur is to teach them how to submit to the authority that is over them. Men struggle to come under God's authority, more so than women (look around many churches at how few single men you'll see but there are plenty of women alone), and we mom's play a part in this as we train the next generation. Of course, dads carry a much heavier responsibility in this department for only they can speak to their sons in a way that really makes sense to them, and they are a consistent example to their boys. I'm always amazed at the fast turn around seen in my son when his dad has called him aside after hearing him argue with me.

The start of a new year is a perfect time to do an about-face on parenting. Let this be a year of peace in your home--train your children to obey the first time with a good attitude-it covers a multitude of sins. Biblical appeals are welcome, but they must include information you don't already have and be in a proper tone; otherwise the child does not deserve an audience with you.

Toiling Along With You,


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