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Genesis for 2014

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

We, true Christians, are all missionaries for the gospel message. God's word speaks for itself and the evidence backs it up, unless a person simply refuses to acknowledge God because of their worldview. Then the evidence must include vast faith in millions of years and processes that can not be seen, replicated, or substantiated with sound science. We cannot pretend that our beliefs about Genesis do not impact the whole of our lives and society. If we're created in God's image, that means we are created with purpose and a reason to serve Him. It means human life has more value than anything else on earth. If God created the world and all that is in it, it means He loves His creation because there is such beauty and care for us shown in the environment. It means we ought to worship the Creator and not the creation, but we are to care for the things God made thoughtfully. If the unborn are knit together in the womb as the Bible says, how can any one justify snuffing that life out? In America we re-create the same number Holocaust deaths every 2 years because of abortion. God sees those children and knows the hairs on their heads, they are made in His image. We need to tell people the truth as God's ambassadors and leave the results to Him.

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