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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Are You Thinking About Summer?

About this time of year, thinking about summer and the lack of school work to do is top on my list. Somehow, even with home educating, I always long for more lazy days with my children...to read, take walks, study Scripture. I'll think, "This summer we'll snuggle in bed and read, and play more games, and visit all the Civil War battlefields!" Yet, tons of activities beckon for our time and energy before June is halfway over.

Well, this year there is a solid plan of how to not be overly busy.

Here it is:

  • No fruit or vegetable gardening

  • Not joining a pool

  • Purpose to get up earlier and get to bed earlier (these two clearly complement each other)

  • Ask the kids how they want their summer to go, have each list 2 things they really want to do

  • Pray now for a meaningful summer together

This may not sound astronomical, but if you garden, you know how much time it takes. If you belong to an expensive pool, the drive to go often is also apparent.  I hope we find this summer feels longer than ever and that I don't give in to  the urge to be outside working in the yard like I frequently do, or get caught up in heavy organizing. I'm thinking to forgo my big photograph-resurrection project I'd planned to tackle this year (haven't printed photos since 2005 and want to get them printed and in books that I'll rarely look at since it is depressing to me). 

As an aside, do you ever admire those groups who 
1. don't take photographs, and 
2. don't have mirrors around? 

That is good radical living if you ask me! :)

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