So in my first post, I referenced discard. After feeding twice/day, leaving the starter out on the counter, I was becoming quickly over-run by discard and couldn't bear to throw it out. Some went in gravy and it was delicious, highly recommend this use. And I made my first batch of discard pancakes using Emilie Raffa's recipe. I'd printed another recipe but it used a lot less discard and had milk in it, and this was solely meant to use up as much discard as possible. It was our lunch on Sunday instead of the usual green smoothie.
Here's Emilie's recipe. She is The Clever Carrot and these were delicious. I'm pretty sure I used FMF or at least bought WW for these. I'll do again and write it down faster. These froze beautifully and reheated great in the toaster with a couple iterations. We did cut them in half after the first toasting. Still had a nice crisp texture on the outside like fresh.
Somehow I missed taking a picture of these but they were pretty thick and fluffy. This recipe can be made and let to sit overnight.
At this point I felt like I was getting a handle on the use of discard, having used it in the sweet rolls, pancakes and gravy, so I did the usual and went rogue on this recipe by Kathy Cartwright. This produced a fluffy brownie with a nice tang, very good for brownie sundaes!
1/2 c. (1 stick) butter or marg., melted
1 c. sugar (can do white/brown; I did coconut and sucanat)
1 lg egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c. sourdough discard (was nervous not weighing but this was the recipe, I used some white and some ww discard, ROOM TEMP)
1/2 cup AP flour (I did half ww bought and half bought white)
1/4 cocoa pdr, unsweetened
1/2 tsp baking pdr
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 c. choco chips (opt), I just had a few in a bag and sprinkled on top with some turbinado since I didn't use any refined sugar in the recipe. Gave a fun crunch to the top which was nice with the sundae toppings.
Preheat oven 350 degrees, grease 9x9 in. pan with bakers spray or parchment. Mix wet ingreds, mix dry separately then fold dry into wet gently and gradually. If adding chips, do it here, but you can put this in the pan now and sprinkle chips on top also. After you put batter in pan, smooth it out. Bake 20-25 min till pretty clean probe comes out. Cool before cutting. Important with anything sourdough it seems.
Very nice tang, will make again
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