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Jonah Chapter 2

Jonah 2 A very good message

Homeschool Q&A #10 Creating a Positive Learning Environment

Q: How do you keep students motivated and create a positive learning environment?

A: You will foster a love of learning by having a good attitude toward work,  teaching, and learning yourself. Show you enjoy reading to them, going outside together and observing, teaching them how to fold laundry and cooking.... Talk about something you recently learned...homeschooling flows naturally out of day to day teaching that starts as soon as we bring our babies home.  We're always teaching our children, particularly with how we respond to our own work. 

Practically, honing homemaking skills creates an orderly and peaceful home and as touched on previously, setting a standard of first-time obedience with a good attitude is very helpful. Being able to sit still at the table is very helpful: eating, coloring, painting, doing puzzles... then later you look at A,B,Cs and numbers... 

Schedules and routines are great. Plan the eating, chores, playing, reading, schooling, skill time, quiet time etc. Some children need to know what is ahead!

Homemaking is a lost art, but it is an important part of a welcoming, fun homeschool environment. Kids learn a lot watching us practice hospitality. Think of it this way, a wife at home with no children does a lot of important things so her husband is free to advance in his job. She enjoys less stress from the world (and in turn so does he since she's not bringing in more), but she is still very busy with the housework, cooking, laundry, gift buying, maintaining family relationships, car upkeep,  whatever else... you want to model joy and enjoyment in those things. It's your work. When school time begins, the good attitude continues.  

Whatever we set our hands to, we want to do it as unto the Lord.

Moms who resent their home duties create a bad environment....a good school environment starts with the basics.

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