A person could go in an endless number of directions with a title such as this. What do I mean by 'types'? What is meant by 'different'? I'm referring to Christians who are more conservative in how they live versus "Christians" who live how they want. The former may seem restricted in their choices of what consists of entertainment, how they dress, and lifestyle choices. "Christians" on the other hand don't necessarily look that different from the world. They may say things that are different from the world, but they do many of the same things. What is the world? It is those who deny God in theory and practice.
The defining issue of why some Christians live very different from other "Christians" is an issue of biblical authority. That is to say, what is the source of truth? If the Bible is true on all points of life and theology, then it ought to be followed as God's holy word. If the Bible is optional and we are free to pick and choose what to follow, then God isn't God, we are. If we are God, then we are not part of His elect--we are not His children--we will not spend eternity with Him. If the Bible is God's holy word, which God says it is, then "Christians" who ignore what it says aren't really submitting themselves to God.
It has been said that either Jesus is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. That is the crux of the matter. Saying we believe in Jesus as God's only Son, and that He died and rose again to conquer sin does not put us in God's family. We must believe that Christ died for our sins and turn from them. If we continue in our sin, what is the point? We are not saved from eternal damnation by a whimsical "I believe" which then lets us be our own Gods! That is no where in Scripture.
The one and true God of the Bible is the One with the authority to make the rules. He has clearly laid them out and just as Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and they life." God has said that we are to have no other god before Him...yet we make ourselves gods all the time by doing what we feel is right, what we feel makes sense, what we think is ok--all the while ignoring what He has said is the right way for His followers to act, think and live.
The issue of different types of Christians is this: either the Bible is all true and God-breathed, or it is not. If it is not, and we do life how we want, sprinkling in Bible words to sound like we have morals, then we will face eternity without Him. Being a Christian means turning in a new direction--leaving the path of self and getting on the path of God. It is nothing short of heartbreaking to see how many people are choosing the wide road that leads to destruction. Don't be among them. There are no do-overs.
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