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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Praying Friends

Being private about our lives is great, important even. Particularly if one is in delicate circumstances. Sometimes, however, we need the body of Christ to come alongside us in prayer. Having a few trusted prayer-warrior friends is a gift from God. While we need local good friends, having out-of-state praying friends is quite priceless. 

I've asked trusted people to pray for me a couple of times the last few months, and I can see the effects clearly. My thinking improves. For example, I can see afresh that rude people are their own punishment, they live amidst self- inflicted unhappiness. My life does not have to be impacted by people like that. I can deal with the momentary problem, then go on. Crazy, angry, people do what they do and I can continue to do what I do. When we know we have not wronged someone who breeds conflict, we can rest easy. 

The same goes for the people who love to know everything going on...the people who talk to everyone and ask questions to learn more than folks prefer to share, or those who learn about you and like to stir the soup with their knowledge. People who need to flaunt what they know about you so they can give the impression of being important...or so they can incite jealousy, or so they can add credibility to their own stories by casually talking about you like they are your pal, always angling, essentially using your good name to influence others with their ideas. We can let people live while we live, trusting the truth will set us free.

Lord, help me be holy, pray for those who despitefully use me, and enable me to love my enemies.

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