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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Spring in Virginia

It is a great week to be enjoying warmer weather. It is a time to remember all God did for us in sending Christ to be born of a virgin, only to later die on a cross, taking the penalty for sin upon Himself, rising from the dead 3 days later showing His power over death and sin. When Jesus says, "Your sins are forgiven.", we know that is true because of what happened on Easter Sunday over 2000 years ago. It wasn't just a man saying He could forgive our sins, it was the Son of God. 

Sin is anything that separates us from the creator God of the Bible--anything we think, say or do that offends our Holy God. We cannot do what we want and say we believe, we must bow before God in humble submission to His authority over us. He is a benevolent God who loves His creation, and we must realize we're either serving ourselves (which is to serve Satan) or the true God of the Bible. 

We cannot have one foot in the world and one foot holding our spot in Heaven. We either belong to God, or belong to ourselves with a god of our creating. A god that says living in sin is ok, a god that doesn't mind getting drunk once in a while, a god that says an unborn baby is a choice, a god that doesn't care how you spend your money or time, a god that says selfishness is good....no friends, serve the God of the Bible who can free us from sin and self, and set our feet upon a rock making our footsteps firm! A God who puts a new song in our mouth, a song of praise to our God!

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