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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

If I Want What You Have, I'll Ask

It is an interesting study in human sociology how some people naturally assert themselves and their opinions as a way of existing. See them coming and know a lecture is about to unfold.

It is equally interesting how those who act like that prey particularly fastidiously upon those who do not live in such a way. It is assumed, apparently, that those who try to live quiet and peaceable lives do not think things through, are ignorant, less informed, or just wrong and need enlightenment. Whether the topic is dental health, vaccines, general health, working on one's off day, how many cars to own, or when to leave for college after break...the list is quite seemingly, never-ending. 

This writer suspects it is payback for her younger years when she shared her opinions and advice, unwarranted, with somewhat reckless abandon. 

Sometimes one just wants to make family t-shirts with GPAs, dental health records, vaccine status and relationship statuses listed to ward off all the critiquing, criticisms and generally unasked-for input. It isn't that some of the information isn't useful, but the trouble is when people continually give their unsolicited advice and share their opinions. It is then we see it is their duty to correct the troubled paths of others. 

I mean, it is nice that there are people who've clearly got it 'all figured out'. So helpful.

The rest of us will continue to meander through life celebrating whatever meager successes we can carve out during our misguided time here on earth.

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