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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Not Wasting Time on Other People's Hang-ups

If there is one thing that hasn't been the easiest concept for me to grasp, it is not wasting time on other people's obsessions, hang-ups, stumbling blocks...call it what you will, but it is something a person is rather consumed by and which there mind won't be changed on. 

Blind spots could encompass what is being referred to here, but obsession is more my jam right now. I recall having a Sunday School teacher years ago who began to see certain Scriptures differently. It can happen; years of studying, the Lord opens our eyes to see things in a new light. Still within the realm of orthodoxy, but different than we once saw it. That is the beauty of a living text. God knows when, what, and how to reveal the truths to us. The thing is, this individual didn't realize that we were not all being moved in the same way at the same time on the issue he was feeling VERY enlightened about. 

When there is a Christian issue that people differ on, if it isn't a matter of salvation and it is one in which the person does not have a teachable spirit, tread carefully. Maturity and wisdom should lead and help us see that it just isn't worthwhile to wade in those waters. Am I saying truth doesn't matter? Of course not, it certainly does, but there are people who are genuinely only interested in changing other people's minds, not truly willing to have their own mind changed. In cases such as that, don't waste your time, is what I'm saying. 

Is it casting one's pearls before swine? Well, it all depends on what the topic is and who is receiving the unwanted input. If it is an unbeliever who is hostile and has hardened their heart to the truth, yes, they may turn and tear you to pieces. A brother or sister in Christ wouldn't do that, but it could be a waste of time that brings division where it doesn't need to be.

The Bible is wrought with events relevant to the time in which they were written, and it foretold events in the near future to the time in which it was talking about. At the same time, those Scriptures can reveal prophetic truths for dates much later. That is the amazing thing about the Almighty God. His living word fulfilled things that have happened and reveals truths to come. If someone doesn't see that, leave it to the Holy Spirit to one day show them. 

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