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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Respecting Young Men

Young ladies who wish to date a young man, if only you knew what his parents thought of how you dress and act. If it is lovely, be sure it is noticed. If it smells of worldliness or debauchery, be equally sure it is noticed. 

When parents carefully raise their tender little baby boy through the rough and tumble toddler years, into the fun and active boyhood years, and then into early manhood, there are many snares to warn about. A young man who loves the Lord desires to please Him. He must wage the daily battle in his mind to keep his thoughts and actions in line with God. He is learning how to lead and will need time and patience to fully realize that important skill as opportunities present themselves. Some days this young man will seem fully independent, working hard and long hours, often without many breaks for food or rest. Other days he will need to talk and be around the house with those who love and care for him. What he never needs are scantily clad females flirting with him. He and his parents can spot what a girl is about a mile away, and while it may cause him to struggle mentally, that will not win his affection. A girl who isn't striving to please her parents and the Lord will certainly not gain the approval of this sort of young man or his parents. Rebellion comes in various shades, but it is always spotted, and a godly young man's parents will certainly steer him away from it and will train him to steer clear. Please love your brothers in Christ enough to cover yourself up and treat them as you hope ladies will one day treat YOUR son--who you have spent your life raising in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Be the girl a man will want to MARRY, not get a cheap thrill from looking at or interacting with from time to time. Be serious about your relationship with the Lord, dress modestly (when in doubt: don't), smile and be friendly. That is how to show a young man respect and gain the approved notice of his parents. ♥

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