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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Lower Expectations

There is probably a post on this blog about lowering expectations, but here is a recap. If you find yourself often disappointed with others or perhaps frustrated or hurt by them, it may be time to look inward. It is said that when we are bothered by others it is often because they are not respecting what we 'worship'. Do we idolize something we shouldn't and then when other's don't, it makes us mad? The issue there is with ourselves more than the other person. Likewise, when we are often bothered by another person, it may be we have too high of expectations. It would be nice to expect greatness from those who dwell in our midst, but the reality is, we don't meet others' expectations as they don't meet ours. When we have too high of a view of ourselves, we can have too high of a view of others. Expect little and be pleasantly surprised when that is exceeded--to put it another way. This truly helps relationships and aids our being more steady as people. We react to OUR expectations, not the actions of others. Being part of a godly church, this can be seen in the leadership, and it is a powerful tool. Just another reason we should be in church (though God saying it is more than enough).

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