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Plagiarism at West Liberty University by President W. Franklin Evans

It is very disappointing that West Liberty University in West Liberty, WV has continued to keep their plagiarizing president, W. Franklin Evans, on board. He should have immediately resigned out of respect for the integrity of higher education and for his own personal reputation. Since that didn't happen, he should have been terminated from his post after he was caught being dishonest. The standard of having a PhD is laughable if one considers the Board of Governor's at WLU's position, and W. Franklin Evans should not be taken seriously among his peers. It isn't getting caught that is the problem, it is the PLAGIARISM that is the problem. It is using other people's words and facts and claiming them as your own by not giving proper credit. To do this once could be a mistake, to do it multiple times and be dishonest about it is an entirely different matter. It is irrelevant that 'we all make mistakes'. Of course we do, but how we handle those mistakes MAKES the MAN.

Is West Liberty a serious academic college or not? They have a terrific dental hygiene program, but the concern is that it's reputation, along with the faculty, staff and students' reputations who come on board going forward, will be dragged down to the place of schools that are not serious academic institutions. How can a university that gives a pass to a lying president hold the students accountable for being honest in their endeavors? Even if somehow they can, the message has already been communicated that once you have "arrived" academically and professionally, HONESTY and integrity are no longer important. 

Inside Higher Ed has done a great job keeping the public abreast of this most serious situation. That link is to the Oct 11th story and this one is for the Oct 14th story.  Inside Higher Ed only lets readers who aren't registered look at 5 free articles per month, so if you can only pick one, go with the Oct 14th. 

We at ACL feel the only way to save WLU's reputation is to remove Mr. Evans from his position and bring on an entire new Board of Governors who have supported this giving Mr. Evans a pass. The current Board and W. Franklin Evans get a vote of No Confidence from ACL. 

Our hearts sincerely go out to the excellent faculty and staff that oppose the actions of the university in regard to Mr. Evans. Hold YOUR heads, high. Your own reputation will speak for itself as you continue to oppose what the 'leadership' is doing. 

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