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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

The World Has Lost Its Mind

At some point you hope that people realize COVID is a virus and all of the ridiculous methods of trying to mitigate it spreading, fail. Approaching this new variant like the original virus is short-sighted and unwise. We've seen devastating economic, mental and emotional, spiritual, and educational fall out with how it was handled last year, and yet people want to lockdown, quarantine, mask up and contact trace afresh. States that were super locked down had the virus spread despite efforts (hello, Michigan). Here we are Aug 2021, and those who wanted the shot, have gotten it. About half of Americans fall into that category. The others have had the virus and are relying on their natural immunity, or they prefer to live life sans the vaccine (whether they can't take the shot for other health reasons or don't want it).

Florida has thrived, despite liberals who have flocked there to get away from the policies they voted in or supported in the states they left. The hypocrisy of liberals moving to Texas and Florida is sickening and frustrating. But that is another issue. The topic in this post is how long will the insanity of illogical decisions reign?

Vaccinated and unvaccinated people get and spread COVID. Is the answer for everyone to wear a mask? Wearing masks never flattened any curve, so it makes no sense. Forcing people to get vaccinated--this is a serious red flag in a land that has typically valued freedom, especially when the death rate is so low among the majority of people who contract COVID, AND vaccinated and unvaccinated get it and can spread it.  Is getting COVID really a major issue when the majority of people recover from it? When in the history of mankind has ZERO incidence of any virus been the benchmark? People get sick and people die. The response to COVID doesn't match with the rate of death. The response is destroying our culture and dividing families. It feels very much like the work of the devil. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. How much time and effective living has been stolen? How many relationships have died or people at their own despairing hands? How many jobs have been lost, businesses closed, and people's will to work destroyed due to all of the stimulus money handed out? Minimum wage is at an obscenely high rate. Businesses can't get enough workers. THIS IS NOT A NECESSARY EVIL OF COVID. It is the direct result of terrible, liberal leadership. I've heard it said, and we agree with it, that if you get abortion wrong, you get many other things wrong. Biden and Harris are the most pro-death leaders this Nation has ever seen. No genuine Christian could have voted for them. Their policies of destruction for America, the free America we've all known, are setting us up to be taken over as a nation. (Biden's reckless, short sighted, uncaring, irresponsible withdrawal from Afghanistan has destroyed our standing in the world as a trusted and powerful nation which can be relied on for protection from tyranny. It follows his idiotic approach to COVID nicely in setting the stage for us to be permanently at the mercy of stronger nations. Add to that CRT and it's infiltration into our pro trans military--we are doomed). 

So COVID spreads....how many people have it doesn't matter. They have it and most recover. One of the most inane statements I've heard is that someone was "battling COVID-----asymptomatically". BATTLING??!! Do we also no longer understand what it means to battle illness? In the history of the world a battle against illness involved pain, risk, medicine, a genuine struggle, and it implied a factor of TIME. So some people have long term issues after recovery. Does this warrant shutting down society, hindering the closeness of social interactions with friends and family, ruining businesses and living in fear? Fear is never of or from God, yet it is a regular tool from the left to control society. It is effective, especially for those that think mainstream media is unbiased news. 😳 

Christ followers have a responsibility to stand for truth. We must be gospel minded, loving, and involved with others. We are to be shrewd and discerning, and motivated by love for others, not love for ourselves. We must stand for truth. Buying into deception and lies does not help anyone draw close to God. It harms people and separates us, which makes us vulnerable to attack.

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