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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

"It Isn't About Masks"

For the Christian, does it matter if what is going on is or isn't about masks? What should anything 'be about' when it comes to us?

Do we expect 'it' to be about what it seems to be about entirely? In other words, how does worrying about conspiracies and the agenda of the left help the cause of Christ? We WILL suffer injustices. Many things in our midst do not make sense, but what is the focus of the Christian supposed to be on? I'm a patriot. I love America. I loathe injustice, so it isn't that the political nature of what is going on in our midst is lost on me. For now, though, I'm not being asked to disobey God. That may come...but for now, in Virginia, it hasn't. 

With that in mind, the question is, did Jesus spend time fighting the government of His day? Did He spend time teaching people to watch out for the conspiracies and evil of the governing authorities in His day? It seems to me that people really struggle to truly balance things out when it comes to politics vs. promoting the gospel. Politics evokes our emotions in a powerful manner, and I'm just not convinced those are safe or wise waters to wade in for most people. 

I wonder why so many Christians think it is useful to get all spun up over freedom? Have we forgotten that if God wants us free, we'll be free? Have we forgotten that we are always free in Christ and that is the message this world needs? 

It is risky to link faith in God to freedom in the USA. We will lose one of those at some point, and it should not pull down the other. Meaning, we will likely lose our freedom at some point. We've seen tons of this already in this nation, sadly. 

If we do not learn to rely on God and press on when the pressure is light, how do we expect to hold fast when the heat is really turned up? Our example now will definitely strengthen or weaken the generations to come. How is Christ helped by posting a rant of your personal injustices due to the ridiculous rules of the day? Of course reason has left the building---many people know that, but what is the Christian to do in light of that? That is what people need help with. These are uncharted waters for many of us.

God is abundantly clear that unless we're asked to disobey Him, His children are to follow those in authority over them. A sobering thought we must all ask is this, are the sufferings impacting believers at large, or me personally, due to disobedience, and thus the condemnation of God? Where is the fear of the Lord? It is still the beginning of wisdom. If we are aghast at the idea we could be under God's condemnation, that could be a reason for concern.

The lost will always act like the lost. Those who belong to Satan are certainly easier to identify in the days we're living in. How can we best share Christ with them, without adding to the misinformation/disinformation and general state of chaos around us? Is it by pointing out our rights as Christians (rights meaning rights we believe we should have from the government)? Is living a quiet and peaceable life still effective in today's climate?

God allows the leaders we have to be in power, whether good or evil. He is interested in our obedience to HIM regardless. 

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