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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Hard Cases Make Poor Theology-Public Education for Christians

The original saying is that Hard Cases Make Bad Law. But with theology and how to live the Christian life, I often think of the reality that the toughest circumstances are not what to consider, or the minority issues. In regard to education, of course there is no guarantee of how a child will turn out. There are home schooled children who rebel, Christian school children who rebel, and public school children who rebel. But the outliers are not what we ought to base our thinking on. We need to look at the majority of outcomes to make wise decisions, that is, if we are thinking the ends justify the means. 

I'm not one to favor the ends justifying the means, because God's word is the standard. He is clear about how to raise children if we are Christian. I've covered that in various places on this blog. We know He takes His word seriously and we know children are very impressionable. They will become like their teacher the Bible says. Should we test God in that because we know of a few cases here and there that didn't align with Luke 6:40? 

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