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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Before You Repost This...

Before reposting or replying on Facebook, ask yourself, "What do I hope to accomplish?"
Next, "Is that goal glorifying to God?"

If a reply, or in response, to someone else's post, "Is your response addressing the core issue? Are you looking at what the person needs to hear or merely trying to change their mind to agree with you?"

Ask yourself, "Am I going to be guilty of contributing to speculations that are unsubstantiated and which will do nothing to further the gospel nor help people think soundly?"

....Recognizing that sound thinking is not based on conjecture or emotionalism. It is fact-based, not a recreation of someone's opinion, formed in order to further their agenda, which may be exactly what they are accusing others of doing with their wild speculations. Don't aid stupidity. 

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