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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

It "Seems" Like God's Will

I've been guilty of a bit of mysticism in my Christianity. Wanting signs, looking for them even, but is this God's way? Or does He speak to us through His word, impressing our minds with His will? Is this religion one based on feelings and luck, or something more concrete?

For example, let's say there there is a place I'd wanted to move, and I even prayed about us moving there for a while. Let's say there are people there who I really like and respect. Maybe we have things in common with them that we don't have with others. Maybe my kids would even benefit from being around them. If years later a job offer came to us which would have us moving to that area, it could be a struggle for me to not think that the job is God's will based on past events. Thankfully I don't make decisions based on this sort of situation, but the thoughts would be in the back of my mind.

Example 2: Let's say I wanted a 2nd dog since before we got the dog we have, who is over a year old. A day after my puppy's heat cycle started I learned of a yellow lab mix that needed a home, and it was free! A heat cycle lasts 21 days, so I prayed during that time for the dog to be taken by someone else if it wasn't for us. Lo and behold, the dog was still available, so I was going to move forward and check this dog out. In an extreme case, I could have just adopted the dog assuming it was God's will since the dog wasn't taken, however, I met the dog and had concerns. Because of my prayers and how they went, I still went through with a meet and greet with my dog and this other dog. That meeting gave enough evidence that my concerns were very well founded, and a call to my kennel owner who is also a dog trainer confirmed my thoughts. This available dog that looked so perfect was totally wrong for us.

A feeling of great relief can come when doors close that aren't right for us, no matter how close the situations look to things we've wanted.

I'm not sure why God has me learning this lesson right now, but He's used situations like this in my life in succession. They go along well with Christian Hero's Then and Now Elizabeth Elliot story. She went through a great deal just to get the calling from God to go to Ecuador. It could have been seamless and smooth, but would she have been convinced the calling was truly hers from the Lord? She needed that confidence. It is only through prayer and careful thinking that we can discern God's will. Sometimes it also takes time. Do not look for signs and wonders, but be in God's word and pour out your desires to Him through prayer. He will bring to pass what He wills for His children. (the first step is being in a saving relationship with God because of Christ)

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