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Parental Rights Amendment Reintroduced

Contact Your Senators in Support of Parental Rights Amendment
A message from Mike Smith

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:
Now that the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been reintroduced in the U.S. Senate, we need your help to add cosponsors. Will you stand with us to protect children and ensure that no family in our nation ever goes through what Charlie Gard and his parents had to suffer in the U.K.?
Action Requested
Here are three ways that you can help push the Parental Rights Amendment through the Senate:
  • Call your two U.S. senators at the Capitol switchboard, 202-224-3121, and ask them to cosponsor the Parental Rights Amendment. Your message can be as simple as this: "Thank you for taking my call today. I urge the senator to cosponsor S.J.Res. 48, Senator Lindsey Graham's Parental Rights Amendment. This amendment will ensure that loving parents are able to raise, educate, and nurture their own children, free from government control or restrictions."
  • If you have additional time, go to www.senate.gov, use the "Find Your Senators" link in the upper left corner by the American flag, and follow the "contact" links to send them an email with the same wording (or add in an additional message explaining why protecting parental rights is important to you).
  • And if you have the time to meet with your senators or their staff during the August recess, then we encourage you to call their office (either in Washington, D.C., using the number above, or by calling a district office) and ask to make an appointment before Labor Day. This can be a great opportunity to take your children and other families with you to meet your elected officials and ask them to support the Parental Rights Amendment.
Grateful for Support
We are grateful to already have the support of Senator Lindsey Graham (SC), who introduced the Parental Rights Amendment, and Senators Marco Rubio (FL), Roy Blunt (MO), Jim Risch (ID), Chuck Grassley (ID), and Johnny Isakson (GA), who have signed on as original cosponsors.
If you do not know who your two U.S. senators are, you can find out by using our HSLDA Legislative Toolbox.
Thank you for standing with us for freedom.

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