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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Gratitude and Mission

There's been some discussion lately about the low standard we tend to have in today's culture for many things. One area in particular is the general laziness of people, particularly mothers.  When comparing to generations past, sadly we often see today's mothers happily handing their children their phone or an iPad to keep them occupied, and when they're not doing that they are running around socializing  So they don't have to keep a close eye on their children or worry too much with training them. In general the children today are not at home being trained by a dedicated and hard-working mother committed to doing her absolute best for their sake day in day out.

If this is an observation that we are seeing, what is the problem before women become mothers?  Are they diligent and hard-working, taking every opportunity to serve others and the Lord?  Or like so many of the mothers that we see, are these ladies-in-waiting more consumed with their own comfort and relaxation than taking every opportunity to serve the Lord and those around them?  It takes a determined mindset of service and sacrifice to look around us and ask ourselves why the Lord has us where He has us.  How many opportunities do we miss to bring Him glory and point others to Him because we are consumed with ourselves and our own interests?

 As we give thanks to God each day for the blessings that He has put into our lives and the path that He has laid out for us, we should also be asking Him how He wants us to best show others His glory and point others to Him.  I do not think He is ever leading His children to keep their light under a bushel and worry about the clothes on their back or the food on their table.  He puts us where he puts us in order to be a bold witness for Him and to care more about the souls of those around us than our own needs.

For the mother with young children, her primary mission field is her children. For those hoping to have children the mission field is whoever He has put you shoulder to shoulder with. 

Are we doing our best for Jesus's sake?

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