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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Waiting and Trusting

It is possible that posts from here on will often discuss things I've learned as aging has happened that I wish I could have grasped sooner. You know how you learn something under one set of circumstances,  and then that lesson seems to evaporate within the bounds of a different set of circumstances? You relearn and think, "NOW I've got it!" Yet, we all know, lessons deepen and widen as our faithful God grows us into a closer image of His Son. 

That said, waiting on the Lord and trusting in Him to do what we want Him to do...how to do this with open hands willing to accept a "no" answer, yet earnestly asking Him to fulfill that which seems like it should be His desire also.  This is a tough scenario that we can say with words rather easily, but we all know that it is not easy to live out. If we aren't fretting at times, we may feel as though we have lost the level of care we should have. If we are fretting all the time,  clearly there is an issue with our trust in God to perform that which is right and needful. 

So what ARE we to do in these times of truly wanting God's will,  and wanting Him to help us accept His will does turn out to be different from our will? What do we do when He is moving SO slowly that we're losing hope? 

We must remember that a day is like one thousand, and one thousand like a day to the Lord. He sees the years differently from us. Do we believe He works all things after the council of His own will or don't we? Do we believe He works all things together for good to those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose? He has told us many times that "I am the LORD", and we know our own hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked. Reviewing these and other truths can help us remember that God is not denying us as the days and weeks pass. He sees the beginning from the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega! 

Whenever a long, LONG awaited answer comes, which aligns with our desire, it should serve as a pillar in our minds that to trust means to trust His timing. Lay our burdens down, regularly tell Him our desire and yet also ask Him to help us navigate if He sees it differently (even if we can't possibly see how He could). He loves His own with an everlasting love. 

Faithful is He who called us, and He will bring those things (that are necessary) to pass. May we genuinely rest in the lovingkindness of our God who sees, cares, and intervenes as only He can. 

To God be the glory for the things He has done!

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