The judgment of God Almighty is in full force in America. Those who were moved by the Devil to vote for Joe Biden helped usher in this judgment in fuller force.
Why does the government get to tell me what is best for me? The whole point of LIBERTY is that I get to decide what is right for me. America is supposed to be the land of the FREE. But the tyranny of Joe Biden and the entire left shows they do not want America to be as it has been.
Do you, Liberal Democrat, realize you have been the tool of Satan? You think you are free, but you are either on God's side or A.G.A.I.N.S.T. it. Only those in Christ are free.
- God hates abortion. Voting for an abortion-minded President puts you on the opposite side of God. If you get that issue wrong, you are getting many other things wrong. Christians should always be on the side of not murdering innocent people.
- God hates lying.
- God hates feet that run rapidly to evil. The lemmings in America who do not know how totalitarianism works are racing to the finish line on this one. They don't see what is happening and they eagerly follow those in charge, who they have put in the place of God.
“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers” (Proverbs 6:16-19, ESV).
The lies and distortions being told to the American public about covid-19 are deplorable. It is a nasty virus, but those who are vaccinated as well as those unvaccinated can spread it.
Do you not see, oh deceived ones, that it is nonsensical to say, "We care about you so much we'll force you to take a vaccine in order to protect you, and if you don't take it you can't work, so you'll die." Everyone who hasn't taken the vaccine doesn't want to for one reason or another and that is our choice. We've weighed the risks and prefer to keep that vaccine out of our bodies for a reason. The wicked ones forcing us are being moved by evil forces. Those supporting them are blinded. Thousands of people have had the virus and have better immunity than the vaccine would give them, but that science is buried. The legacy media only reports what suits its liberal agenda.
Why does the government get to tell me what is best for me? I should get to decide what is best for me.
Forcing people who are used to freedom slowly changes the mentality of that culture. People fight oppression less and less when the government exercises its tyranny over them. It is easier to comply. Those who do not understand sin and the ways of Satan cannot comprehend why men would want to be oppressing others... Aren't people loving and kind in their souls?
Are you kidding me? "Wake up uneducated nation!! Do you know nothing of Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Batista?"
People recognize God Almighty on the throne and the One who has the right to govern the affairs of men, or they seek to put a human on the throne--themselves or some other inferior leader moved by pride and evil.
These have been my thoughts exactly for the past 18 months. I saw it starting with lockdowns and masks, telling us to stay away from each other, deciding for us how many people we are allowed to have over, now vaccine mandates. I always found it interesting that the West was never mentioned in the Last Days. I truly believe the fall of the US is prophetic, and I also believe it is happening right before our eyes.