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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Would You Want to Marry You?

It is interesting that as children age and grow their needs change, and as their needs change, the family dynamic changes. It seems to me that as these changes occur, regardless of who or what is driving them, prioritization by Mom needs to happen.


For example, is it a season where the kids need to get involved in their own activities, for whatever reason; or is it a season when you really need home school support? Maybe it's a time when everyone needs new or more friends, or you need to focus on bringing in money somehow. Your house could be unglorifying to God (is that even a word?? you know what I mean!) or your family has ailments that have gone unaddressed for far too long...or maybe your relationship with Christ and ministry needs beefing up. The list could go on and on, my point is, are we spending time really praying and evaluating what our families need each year, or do we just do whatever we've been doing, living with the same problems or concerns we've lived with? Do we 'manage our homes' or do we roll with the constant flow of chaos?

Every home needs a manager, just like a family needs a leader. It is a sad state when a woman denies her God-given responsibility to manage her home. Before her, God has clearly set a mission field; she doesn't have to go out looking for a place to serve! Her family, which dwells in the house she is charged with keeping, is there to be managed. Where does that husband go for reprieve? Where does the family growth occur? Where does she spend most of the hours of her day? Far too often, women sin by focusing on themselves and what they want and need, rather than the needs of their family. Far too often, women fail in training the children so that life is always in a state of turmoil with loose ends flowing freely like a sink left on. This chaos carries over to when Dad comes home at night and is reflected in the mess the house is in. It doesn't have to be this way.

California Poppy

It can be tough to pull in the reigns and get serious about getting our homes and children in order. It should be tough, we were made for work. Somehow Christians are buying in to the mentality that work is bad and responsibility isn't fulfilling. This is a lie from Hell if you ask me. Today I heard the results of a survey which asked what the primary responsibility of the dad in the home is, and emotional guidance rated above financially providing. Of course, in the 60's we know this result would be far different. Who do people think will provide now? The government. Where is the personal responsibility people? Be proud to be responsible; it is a privilege to be considered ABLE: able by God, and able by our husbands. Our example will be what our children do and what our grandchildren grow up with.

Mother's, let's raise organized, capable daughters that our friend's godly sons deserve...daughters that terrific men will want to marry. Let's raise polite, hard-working sons that meek and godly girls will want to marry...girls that come from homes where the mother lovingly submitted to the father while she sacrificially served her family.


Do we keep our home and lives running in a way that will bless our daughters when the time comes for them to marry? Do we keep our home and life running in a way that allows our husband to relax and rejoice in the wife of his youth when he returns from work (particularly if he is the only provider)? Do we as wives/mothers praise and point out that what we have comes from God through the man of the house? Are we building him up in front of the kids, setting an example for the type of spouse they should be/desire? Are we taking time to really provide what our children need from year to year, or are we setting arbitrary goals that make us feel good while ignoring things God has specifically outlined for us to do (whether by principle or practice)?

Excuses are more numerous than the stars in the sky, ladies. I've heard them all, and so have you. The bottom line is, what are we doing with the time God has given us? Are we bringing glory to Him as we carefully examine what our family needs in the coming year or are we thinking of ourselves and reaping that less-than-awesome rewards?


As our youth pastor says, let's be 'saved, set apart, and serving!' as we strive in excellence.


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